A Brief History of “Los Niños Héroes”
The Escolta de Bandera is a tradition that comes from México and is primarily intended to help young people develop a sense of pride and respect for the symbolism of the Mexican flag. The Escolta has its origins in honoring the memory of “los Niños Héroes de Chapultepec,” whose bravery was demonstrated on September 12-13, 1847.
Los Niños Héroes were young cadets who heroically defended the Castillo de Chapultepec in Mexico City when it was being bombed and invaded by the United States Marines. These six young cadets not only fought bravely, but they refused to surrender even in the face of overwhelming odds.
- Fernando Montes de Oca, 18 years old.
- Francisco Márquez, 12 years old.
- Juan de la Barrera, 19 years old.
- Juan Escutia, 20 years old.
- Vicente Suárez, 14 years old.
- Agustín Melgar, 17 years old.
This is why the tradition of the Escolta de Bandera of Unión del Barrio is comprised of six members, because it is intended as an honor to memory of these young cadets. Today, our Somos Escolta de Bandera is a group of youth organizers from Unión del Barrio who lead the work of our community projects Somos Raza and Escuela Aztlan. The current symbolism of the Somos Escolta is not just to honor the Mexican flag, but to critically educate young people about how the flag is not a symbol of loyalty to the Mexican government, but is instead an emblem of resistance and struggle for justice and liberation in all our communities on both sides of the border.
It has been a long-standing tradition that our Somos Escolta introduces the Mexican flag during our annual Grito de Independencia event that is organized every 15th of September in San Diego’s Chicano Park. Somos Escolta also provides an honor guard to the statue of Emiliano Zapata in Chicano Park during the month of April. As long as well are around, Somos Escolta will not lose its historical symbolism, and as Somos Raza and Unión del Barrio we continue to honor and carry forward our people’s traditions. It is important to note that the majority of the members of our Somos Escolta de Bandera have been young mujeres! This is evidence of how the leadership of mujeres is demonstrated throughout or community work. We will also continue the struggle for justice and liberation, as we follow the same path of our historical leaders who showed us why it is important for us to fight for a better future.
With this said, we call on all barrio youth to say ¡NO! to the JROTC – say ¡NO! to “explorers”! Instead join the Somos Escolta de Bandera, and honor the memory of Los Niños Heroes!!!
Below is a video from the 2013 Grito event in Chicano Park.