Miembros, amigos, aliados y nuestras comunidades: Saludos camaradas, queríamos enviar un aviso a todos nuestros militantes que viven en el sur de California – Los Ángeles y las áreas de San Diego. Como ya sabrán, un río atmosférico se dirige hacia nosotros, lo que significa que habrá fuertes lluvias y ráfagas de viento, que provocarán […]
Environmental News & Events
Compas In California Should Prepare For More Severe Weather
Unión del Barrio members, friends, allies, and community members: Saludos comrades, we wanted to send a quick advisory to all our members who live in Southern California, Los Angeles to San Diego areas. As you may know, an atmospheric river is headed our way, which means there will be heavy rains and wind gusts, which […]
La Raza, Barrio Self-Defense & Real Political Power
Ten Difficult Lessons Unión del Barrio Takes Away From Trumpism/COVID-19 — Introduction — The Events of Jan 6th — How We Got Here — What Comes Next — INTRODUCTION: The goal of this analysis is to provide a critical/self-critical assessment of the repression suffered by our communities […]
Links to UdB-Sponsored May Day 2020 Activities in Southern California: – Los Angeles – – San Diego – May 1st, also known as May Day, or Primero de Mayo, is celebrated across the globe as International Workers Day. Precisely because this day commemorates the struggles of working people, this is one of only a few commemorations […]
Trumpism 2016: The Unmasking Of An Empire In Crisis
Don’t Let Yourself Be Overcome With Fear, Nor Should You Lament The Trumpista Crisis Of Imperialism! Compañeras y compañeros, don’t run and hide from this absurd turn of events. To begin, don’t forget that Hillary Rodham Clinton (HRC) was never our champion, and the oval office is not the center of our political power. Instead, think […]
Unión del Barrio in San Diego Supports “BASta” – Barrios Against Stadiums
Our backyard has historically been neglected. People can call BASTA! NIMBY as much as they want but our backyard is full. Start storing stuff in yours… B.A.STA! is a grassroots, barrio based, loose knit formation of residents, artists, activists, small business owners and allies creating a movement. The sole purpose of this movement is to prevent […]
Hindsight 2008: “What Does The Election Of Barack Obama To The Presidency Of The Empire Mean For La Raza?”
Real Change Will Only Come From Those Who Struggle For Dignity, Justice & Self-Determination Editor’s Note: A version of this essay was originally published the day after the U.S. presidential elections on November 5, 2008. Responding to multiple requests, we decided to repost an updated version edited for readability and enriched with links from numerous outside […]
LINK: Honduras – Asesinada la dirigente indígena Berta Cáceres
Link: http://www.rebelion.org/noticia.php?id=209601 Los gobiernos hondureños siguen asesinando impunemente. Esta vez, la víctima ha sido la dirigente indígena y luchadora ambientalista Berta Cáceres, un obstáculo para quienes forman parte del sistema de dominio y explotación del pueblo hondureño. Como viene sucediendo desde el golpe contra el gobierno constitucional de Manuel Zelaya en junio del 2009, la oligarquía […]
En contra de la represión a trabajadores en San Quintín, Baja California, se pronuncia el Frente Indígena México y Estados Unidos
17 de marzo de 2015 A la Alianza de Organizaciones Nacional, Estatal y Municipal por la Justicia Social, en San Quintín, B.C. México: A los medios de comunicación libres y autónomos: A la prensa internacional: A la población en general: ASUNTO: Pronunciamiento del Frente Indígena de Organizaciones Binacionales (FIOB) en relación al conflicto denunciado por […]