International Working Women’s Day

March 8th marks International Working Women’s Day, a date celebrated by many peoples of the world. It is a major global celebration that acknowledges the economic, political and social achievements of women and the just demands for equality, justice and dignity. The first celebration of International Working Women’s Day was put forward at the turn […]

LINK: 100-Plus Labor Activists Assemble For Troublemakers Conference in San Diego

Link To Article. On Saturday, October 25th union members, community leaders, and student organizers gathered at Lincoln High School to attend the San Diego Troublemakers Conference, hosted by Labor Notes and the Coalition for Labor & Community Solidarity (CLCS). The event attracted a wide array of attendees from multiple unions, neighborhoods, and campuses to address […]

¡Que Viva el Sindicato Mexicano de Electricistas!

10 de octubre 2014 Compañeras, y compañeros de la Resistencia del Glorioso Sindicato Mexicano de Electricistas, reciban un combativo y solidario saludo de la organización política Unión del Barrio, organización de mexicanas/os y latinoamericanas/os en las entrañas del monstruo imperialista. En este 5 aniversario de lucha en contra de los gobiernos neoliberales, PANistas y PRIístas […]