Unión del Barrio Supports The Scheduled Education Workers Strike, March 2023

Unión del Barrio supports the righteous strike scheduled for this coming week by the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) in the Los Angeles Unified School District. SEIU 99 members, many of which are parents of LAUSD students, are teaching assistants, bus drivers, special education aides, and cafeteria workers, custodial workers, supervision aides, campus safety personnel, […]


On Saturday, May 1, 2021, at 5:30 am, a group of committed individuals representing various community organizations took to the streets to kick off early morning community patrols (Patrullajes Comunitarios). Unión del Barrio, a community-based political organization, leads an urgent effort of community resistance and self-defense to disrupt the hostile immigration raids and police terrorism […]

La Raza, Barrio Self-Defense & Real Political Power

Ten Difficult Lessons Unión del Barrio Takes Away From Trumpism/COVID-19 —    Introduction    —    The Events of Jan 6th    —    How We Got Here    —    What Comes Next    — INTRODUCTION:  The goal of this analysis is to provide a critical/self-critical assessment of the repression suffered by our communities […]

First Hand Testimony & Reflection From Herman Baca: 50 YEARS AGO – LEST WE FORGET THE AUGUST 29, 1970 CHICANO MORATORIUM

“THE DAY POLICE RIOTED!”   Committee on Chicano Rights, 08/28/2020 Fifty years later, I can still vividly remember what happened to me personally and politically in Los Angeles, California on August 29, 1970. At the time, I was 27 years old, today 77. In those 50 years, many persons I knew that marched in the Chicano […]

Unión del Barrio Statement Regarding the Demand to Re-Open Schools During the Pandemic

Union del Barrio rejects the Trump regime’s demands to re-open schools for the 2020-2021 academic school year. As an organization committed to critical pedagogy and democratic schooling, we are convinced that public schools should not resume in-person instruction until that time when it is deemed safe by public health experts and the broader scientific community. We […]

Unión del Barrio 5-Point Guidance For The Current Political Crisis

1. Only attend known events, and maintain all pandemic-related precautions. 2. Express your anger, but do not be blinded by your emotions. 3. Be “gente solidaria”, do not surrender your class-based political principles, but also maintain a barrio-based vigilance. 4. Maintain revolutionary discipline and organizational accountability. 5. Defend our barrios, by any means necessary. There […]

The Coronavirus Has Unmasked The Sick Brutality Of Capitalism – Only Principled Global Solidarity Will Be Sufficient To Contend With This Pandemic

The coronavirus (COVID-19) health emergency is unfolding on a scale that has impacted all of us as a species. This moment represents a new global consciousness that is spreading across the world in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, with people quickly coming to the realization that only as a species can we hope to […]


Exactly 10 years ago Unión del Barrio published this article in the March-May 2009 edition of our newspaper ¡LA VERDAD!. Though we are currently developing an organizational statement to address the March 31, 2019 name change of MEChA, we felt there was clear value in re-publishing this article from 2009 to help inform our communities about […]

Sin La Mujer No Hay Revolución: “We will fight until every imposed border, wall, cage, and cell is dismantled…”

One cannot turn on the television or read online news without hearing about Venezuela. Mainstream feminist organizations and media outlets are standing with the Trump administration in calling out the economic situation in Venezuela by blaming democratically-elected President Maduro as the cause of the economic crisis, and supporting the installation of US puppet Juan Guaidó. When […]

Los Angeles 2019: When LA Educators Go On Strike, They Teach Us What It Takes To Bring About Change

Unión del Barrio stands in solidarity with Los Angeles teachers! Los Angeles teachers are showing District Superintendent Austin Beutner that when it comes down to defending public education, they are not afraid to go on strike. During the past 20 months the LA teacher’s union (UTLA) has been in negotiations with the LA Unified, struggling […]