UdB Affirms That Mujeres Have The Right To Bodily Autonomy

It’s 2019 and we are witness to US states attempting to impose the most extreme restrictions on female bodily autonomy in history. On May 13, 2019 twenty-five white male republicans voted to impose a full abortion ban in Alabama, making it a felony offense for healthcare providers to perform or carry out abortions with sentences […]

PART 3: Unión del Barrio’s Report & Analysis On The 2019 MEChA National Conference

PART THREE of THREE Social Media Woketivism Is A Representation Of Political Culture, Not The Real Thing A significant number of social media-centric raza activists, including MEChistas, have embraced a tendency that privileges individual identities over collective expressions of political struggle and political power. This tendency appears within forms of neoliberal performative politics sometimes referred […]


Exactly 10 years ago Unión del Barrio published this article in the March-May 2009 edition of our newspaper ¡LA VERDAD!. Though we are currently developing an organizational statement to address the March 31, 2019 name change of MEChA, we felt there was clear value in re-publishing this article from 2009 to help inform our communities about […]

Sin La Mujer No Hay Revolución: “We will fight until every imposed border, wall, cage, and cell is dismantled…”

One cannot turn on the television or read online news without hearing about Venezuela. Mainstream feminist organizations and media outlets are standing with the Trump administration in calling out the economic situation in Venezuela by blaming democratically-elected President Maduro as the cause of the economic crisis, and supporting the installation of US puppet Juan Guaidó. When […]

Los Angeles 2019: When LA Educators Go On Strike, They Teach Us What It Takes To Bring About Change

Unión del Barrio stands in solidarity with Los Angeles teachers! Los Angeles teachers are showing District Superintendent Austin Beutner that when it comes down to defending public education, they are not afraid to go on strike. During the past 20 months the LA teacher’s union (UTLA) has been in negotiations with the LA Unified, struggling […]

Shut The Whole Damn Thing Down!

The more trouble Trump gets into, the more intense his attacks are against our raza communities. All this mess about “border wall funding” and the “government shut down” is only to distract from the very serious legal trouble that Donald Trump and his accomplices find themselves in. The same thing was done with the refugee […]

AMLO is the New President of México

AMLO is the new president of México. He won the presidential chair with more than 53% of the votes, surpassing the multiple candidates of the right-wing political elite as a whole, by more than 14 points. It must also be considered that with just five years of existence, the MORENA party won at least 20,229,314 […]

Unión del Barrio Calls On Border Communities To Protect The Physical Integrity Of Our Central American Sisters And Brothers

Unión del Barrio strongly condemns the recent violent acts directed against Central American migrants and refugees by a small group of people in the area of Playas de Tijuana. The violence and threats of violence carried out by a small group of reactionaries represent nothing less than the most foul expression of xenophobia which highlights […]

Unión del Barrio Backed Slate Wins Two School Board Seats in Pico Rivera

In what can only be understood as major victory for independent community-based politics in the Los Angeles suburb of Pico Rivera, two candidates backed by Unión del Barrio, Jose Lara and Leanna Ibarra, won the El Rancho Unified School Board election on Tuesday night. Securing the two top positions among a field of six candidates, Lara and Ibarra together won over eleven thousand votes in Pico Rivera, and will serve the educational community of Pico Rivera for the next four years.

Unión del Barrio Condemns the Increased Deployment of US Troops to the Politically Imposed Southern Border with Mexico

¡Somos Un Pueblo, Sin Fronteras! We don’t recognize the Imperialist imposed U.S. Border By deploying its military to the southern border to support the anti-Mexican police force known as the US Border Patrol and its criminal counterpart Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), the Trump administration has exposed the true nature of US imperialist crisis. But […]