TRUCHA: The Trumpista State & Its MAGA Supporters Are Creating Online Mis/Disinformation 

Some gente in activist circles have questioned Unión del Barrio’s February 2, 2025, position on the recent wave of youth-centered “spontaneous” protests. The most consistent criticisms are that “We have to stand with the youth” and “UdB shouldn’t try to police the movement.” Because we tend to agree with these points, some observations require more […]

Community Self-Defense /// Autodefensa Comunitaria

In 1992, Unión del Barrio formed our Community Patrols as our answer to the colonial attacks against the Mexicano-Raza working class, specifically the deployment of various militarized police forces deployed against our communities. The Community Patrols are a means of building community-based power that will challenge police and migra attacks. These agencies are trained to […]

Unión del Barrio Successfully Concludes VII Congreso Nacional

Compas of Unión del Barrio, Allied Organizations, and Supporters: Felicitaciones on this 42nd anniversary of the founding of Unión del Barrio. We recently closed the VII Congreso Nacional of our organization. Since our first Congreso in 1997, the Congreso Nacional represents the maximum authority and highest decision-making body of Unión del Barrio. This series of […]

May 1st, 2023 International Workers Day: “Power in the Hands of the Working Class – Fighting Back Against the Capitalist Offensive”

The global economic crisis facing the majority of working people around the world is becoming sharper and made worse with US imperialist ambitions. Workers today are under increased economic assault with inflation and skyrocketing energy costs hurting workers the most. With the health emergency scheduled to end by mid-may we see cuts to important life […]

San Diego May 1st International Workers Day: END THE WAR ON THE WORKING CLASS!

San Diego Workers Convene May 1st International Workers Day Events: United Under the Theme: END THE WAR ON THE WORKING CLASS! WORKERS WILL CONVENE ACTIONS AND EVENTS TO BUILD WORKERS POWER TO CHALLENGE THE ATTACKS ON WORKING FAMILIES Contacts: Benjamín Prado- Unión del Barrio, SAN DIEGO, CA- Organizations  throughout San Diego unite to push back […]

La Raza, Barrio Self-Defense & Real Political Power

Ten Difficult Lessons Unión del Barrio Takes Away From Trumpism/COVID-19 —    Introduction    —    The Events of Jan 6th    —    How We Got Here    —    What Comes Next    — INTRODUCTION:  The goal of this analysis is to provide a critical/self-critical assessment of the repression suffered by our communities […]

Unión del Barrio Statement Regarding the Demand to Re-Open Schools During the Pandemic

Union del Barrio rejects the Trump regime’s demands to re-open schools for the 2020-2021 academic school year. As an organization committed to critical pedagogy and democratic schooling, we are convinced that public schools should not resume in-person instruction until that time when it is deemed safe by public health experts and the broader scientific community. We […]

Unión del Barrio 5-Point Guidance For The Current Political Crisis

1. Only attend known events, and maintain all pandemic-related precautions. 2. Express your anger, but do not be blinded by your emotions. 3. Be “gente solidaria”, do not surrender your class-based political principles, but also maintain a barrio-based vigilance. 4. Maintain revolutionary discipline and organizational accountability. 5. Defend our barrios, by any means necessary. There […]

The Coronavirus Has Unmasked The Sick Brutality Of Capitalism – Only Principled Global Solidarity Will Be Sufficient To Contend With This Pandemic

The coronavirus (COVID-19) health emergency is unfolding on a scale that has impacted all of us as a species. This moment represents a new global consciousness that is spreading across the world in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, with people quickly coming to the realization that only as a species can we hope to […]

Unión del Barrio Calls On Border Communities To Protect The Physical Integrity Of Our Central American Sisters And Brothers

Unión del Barrio strongly condemns the recent violent acts directed against Central American migrants and refugees by a small group of people in the area of Playas de Tijuana. The violence and threats of violence carried out by a small group of reactionaries represent nothing less than the most foul expression of xenophobia which highlights […]