We first must send “un saludo solidario” to UdB compas in San Diego that are currently wrapping up the 4th consecutive cycle of Escuelita Aztlán (EAZ) in that border city. This cycle of EAZ ran from November 2014 to June 2015, bringing together dozens of junior high and high school age community youth. These young people came voluntarily to EAZ, early Saturday mornings, to learn about themselves, their communities, and the histories of struggle that don’t usually make it into their normal school curriculum. This cycle of EAZ provided them with 14 sessions focusing on multiple topics and community events. This is the largest graduating class in the history of EAZ, with 28 youth graduating this year. The graduation ceremony will take place on June 13, 2015. Sorry, due to limited space this event is open only to EAZ graduates, their families, EAZ community organizers, and UdB members.
The end-of-year Camp Aztlán excursion will also take place from June 26-28, 2015. Each summer EAZ graduates are invited to celebrate the end of EAZ with a weekend of outdoor activities in the mountains to the east of San Diego. There is hiking, games, and deeper discussions about history, struggle, and the future of EAZ. Graduates are then invited to become EAZ/ Somos Raza organizers, to take the lead of forthcoming cycles of EAZ, thereby guaranteeing the future of EAZ as an independent educational resource directly accountable to the community it serves.
We look forward to sharing more updates about summer activities in San Diego and getting additional information about preparations for the next 2015-2016 cycle of EAZ. Felicitaciones to the 2015 EAZ graduates and the San Diego organizers of this wonderful project!
In Another Major Announcement: EAZ is coming to Los Angeles!
We invite all interested South Central [Los Angeles] youth to an information session about our First Summer of Escuelita Aztlán (EAZ).
This summer the EAZ will focus on Arte y Cultura. Each week we will cover various topics like Chicano Student Movement, Art as a Weapon, Revolutionary Figures and connect those lessons to our realities and personal experiences today. Those who commit to the 6 week program will also have the opportunity to learn street and mural art techniques from local artists and put those new skills to work on your very own street art project.
The Escuelita is free and open to all South Central Youth!! This is a great opportunity to get involved in your community and leave your mark on South Central by sharing your unique story through art!!! This summer we have some exciting projects planned including an LA mural tour and even a trip to San Diego for a BBQ with our friends from EAZ San Diego!!! Please join us June 27 to learn how to get involved!!!
Escuelita Aztlán is an alternative education project of Union del Barrio that educates youth about the historical oppressions, contributions, and present conditions that effect their current realities. Escuelita Aztlán provides youth of all ages a space to share, learn and join the movement for social change. Please share in your respective spaces!
For more information see: <http://www.facebook.com/events/815965408479398/>.
This is a major achievement in the 29 year history EAZ and Somos Raza Youth Project! For the first time in the history of UdB there will be two Saturday Schools running concurrently in Southern California. There is plenty of excitement about what this could mean for expanding EAZ to other areas and the potential power a regional project of this type could represent to our movement. Compañeras y compañeros – keep up the great work!!
Escuelita Aztlán (EAZ) is the independent Saturday School organized by educators and youth organizers within Unión del Barrio under the banner of Somos Raza Youth Project. The two primary goals of EAZ are:
- to develop more cultural and political conciencia among young people in our communities, and
- to help build our long-term vision of an independent “raza liberation school.”
EAZ is fast becoming a dual and contending educational resource for young people throughout Southern Califas, and we hope to see a day soon when our community youth begin to prioritize EAZ over the traditional classes they must take on a daily basis, within which our history and culture is ignored, and if it is brought up at all, it is usually from a negative perspective.