La Raza, Barrio Self-Defense & Real Political Power

Ten Difficult Lessons Unión del Barrio Takes Away From Trumpism/COVID-19 —    Introduction    —    The Events of Jan 6th    —    How We Got Here    —    What Comes Next    — INTRODUCTION:  The goal of this analysis is to provide a critical/self-critical assessment of the repression suffered by our communities […]

Unión del Barrio 5-Point Guidance For The Current Political Crisis

1. Only attend known events, and maintain all pandemic-related precautions. 2. Express your anger, but do not be blinded by your emotions. 3. Be “gente solidaria”, do not surrender your class-based political principles, but also maintain a barrio-based vigilance. 4. Maintain revolutionary discipline and organizational accountability. 5. Defend our barrios, by any means necessary. There […]

Minneapolis 2020: The Murder of George Floyd Is Clearest Evidence Yet That This System Has NO Redeemable Value

Unión del Barrio sends our sincere condolences to the family of George Floyd, and we state our solidarity with protesters in Minnesota who are standing up against police terror. We unite with the international condemnation of Derek Chauvin and the Minneapolis Police Department for the blatant lynching of brother Floyd. We call for the arrest […]

Unión del Barrio Condemns the U.S. Drone Strike Assassinations & Imperial War Provocations

Unión del Barrio, a raza-led anti-imperialist organization based in California, condemns the cowardly U.S. drone strike assassinations of Qasem Soleimani and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis. These assassinations are the most recent violent provocation in a part of the world that for nearly two decades has been destabilized and utterly devastated by U.S. interventions and occupations. We […]

PART 3: Unión del Barrio’s Report & Analysis On The 2019 MEChA National Conference

PART THREE of THREE Social Media Woketivism Is A Representation Of Political Culture, Not The Real Thing A significant number of social media-centric raza activists, including MEChistas, have embraced a tendency that privileges individual identities over collective expressions of political struggle and political power. This tendency appears within forms of neoliberal performative politics sometimes referred […]

Sin La Mujer No Hay Revolución: “We will fight until every imposed border, wall, cage, and cell is dismantled…”

One cannot turn on the television or read online news without hearing about Venezuela. Mainstream feminist organizations and media outlets are standing with the Trump administration in calling out the economic situation in Venezuela by blaming democratically-elected President Maduro as the cause of the economic crisis, and supporting the installation of US puppet Juan Guaidó. When […]

The Shameless Dishonesty of US Narco-Imperialism: A Timeline Of Neoliberal Death-Mongering

Deception, war, criminality, and terrorism have been used as instruments of empire for hundreds of years. US imperialism has not been an exception, fomenting political chaos and death across the globe, especially in the decades following World War II. Yet, the shamelessly ahistorical nature of trumpista fascism makes it too easy to forget the origins […]

¡Fuera Trump! UdB Report On The May 27th Action In San Diego

San Diego’s Chicano Park was the gathering point for at least 800 people who participated in a politically militant and well organized action to unwelcome the anti-Arab, anti-Black, anti-Mexican, anti-Woman, power-hungry, neo-fascist oligarch Donald Trump. The event took place on Friday May 27, 2016, and represented dozens of organizations, cultural groups, MEChAs, local businesses, artists, […]

Unión del Barrio Stands With The People & Workers Of Brazil To Defend Dilma Rousseff From The Right Wing Coup

May 12, 2016 Unión del Barrio expresses our solidarity with the masses of Brazil who are now mobilizing to defend democracy and resist the coup against the popularly elected President Dilma Rousseff. We stand in unity particularly with the organized working class and the revolutionary parties and movements that have achieved significant victories such as […]

August 29, 1970: 45 Years Later & Why the Chicano Moratorium Is Still Relevant Today

August 29, 1970: A Day Every Chicana/o Must Always Remember 2015 marks the 45th Anniversary of the largest raza-led mobilization against the U.S. imperialist war in Vietnam and against the conditions of oppression and exploitation of our historically indigenous people by this colonial settler society on our own land. The August 29, 1970 Chicano Moratorium […]

Baltimore 2015: Vemos La Rabia Afroamericana Pero Necesitamos “Poder Negro”

Traducido del inglés por Sara Plaza y S. Seguí – Rebelión ¿Apoyamos las protestas contra el terrorismo policial? Totalmente. ¿Denunciaremos a la gente por montar bronca? De ninguna manera. Mientras tanto, oportunistas comentaristas mediáticos, deshonestos políticos bipartidistas y representantes progres de docenas de organismos de servicio social acuden a toda prisa a Baltimore para denunciar los […]

Another Police Killing of Black Man Captured on Video

On Saturday April 4, 2015, 50 year old Walter Scott was killed after being shot eight times in the back by a Charleston County police officer in South Carolina. The killing took place after a routine traffic stop was escalated to deadly violence. We can expect protests, candlelight vigils, #hashtags, passionate speeches, and justified public anger and […]