Baltimore 2015: Vemos La Rabia Afroamericana Pero Necesitamos “Poder Negro”

Traducido del inglés por Sara Plaza y S. Seguí – Rebelión ¿Apoyamos las protestas contra el terrorismo policial? Totalmente. ¿Denunciaremos a la gente por montar bronca? De ninguna manera. Mientras tanto, oportunistas comentaristas mediáticos, deshonestos políticos bipartidistas y representantes progres de docenas de organismos de servicio social acuden a toda prisa a Baltimore para denunciar los […]

1o de Mayo 2015: Día Internacional De Las Y Los Trabajadores

Lucha Internacionalista Se Hace Sentir En El Sur De California El viernes 1o de mayo 2015, Día Internacional de las y los Trabajadores, las comunidades mexicanas y latinoamericanas de Los Ángeles y San Diego se organizaron y se movilizaron para realizar una marcha por el centro de estas dos ciudades. Las marchas transcurrieron por algunas […]

May 1, 2015: International Workers Day

Internationalist Solidarity Is Felt In Southern California On Friday May 1, 2015, International Workers Day, the Mexican and Latin American communities of Los Angeles and San Diego organized and mobilized for a march through the centers of these two cities. The marchas disrupted some of the most luxurious and bourgeois areas of their respective locations. […]


Over one year and a half ago, the City of Oxnard, and the Oxnard Police Department (OPD) – in the most cowardly and shameless attempts to silence and intimidate the local community protests against police brutality, issued five whack-lame “traffic” citations against Francisco “Chavo” Romero. El Chavo has been an outspoken critic of local Oxnard […]

Baltimore 2015: We See Black Rage But We Need Black Power

Do we support protests against police terror? Absolutely. Will we denounce people for raising hell? Absolutely not. Meanwhile, opportunistic media commentators, dishonest politicians from both parties, and liberal representatives from dozens of social service agencies are now rushing to Baltimore to denounce the “rioting.” What is different about Baltimore is that the standard “peaceful” protests, candlelight vigils, […]

2015 Marcha de Zapata: ¿Qué Sigue?

El deber es de organizar a nuestro pueblo para defender los derechos humanos y democráticos y oponernos a toda clase de opresión y terror colonial. Como sector juvenil de la Raza nos organizamos bajo el concepto de la auto-determinación. Varias organizaciones en San Diego se han unido para denunciar la guerra continua en contra de […]

Another Police Killing of Black Man Captured on Video

On Saturday April 4, 2015, 50 year old Walter Scott was killed after being shot eight times in the back by a Charleston County police officer in South Carolina. The killing took place after a routine traffic stop was escalated to deadly violence. We can expect protests, candlelight vigils, #hashtags, passionate speeches, and justified public anger and […]


WE MUST ORGANIZE OUR PEOPLE TO DEFEND OUR DEMOCRATIC AND HUMAN RIGHTS FROM ALL FORMS OF COLONIAL OPPRESSION AND TERROR As working class raza youth, organized under the banner of self-determination, organizations in San Diego have united to stand up and denounce the ongoing war against poor people in our city, throughout the United States […]

LINK: Obama & His Executive Action On Immigration

RPMA – OBAMA: Militarization – SMOKE AND MIRRORS The recent announcement of “executive action” by the Obama Administration is being met with celebrations in some sectors of Raza and most certainly by the Democratic Party operatives in our community. We are told that Obama, in a “daring move” has confronted the Republicans and is going to […]

LINK: THE GREEN MONSTER – Important Article on the Political History of the Migra & Impunity

Although not at all written from a community perspective, the linked essay provides important information about the history of the Border Patrol and its massive uncontrolled expansion since 2001. It is especially important because it points to the corruption, impunity and culture of violence that is dominant within this largest of all federal agencies (CBP). Of […]

LINK: Oxnard Cops Testified, Claim They Did Not Target Critic of Police Brutality at Protest March

By Raul Hernandez American Justice Notebook, 10/29/14 VENTURA CALIFORNIA — Two Oxnard police officers testified Wednesday that community activist Francisco Romero wasn’t targeted when he was given five citations a year ago for jaywalking during a protest march against police brutality.

A Dozen Oxnard Officers to Testify About Jaywalking Tickets Given to Vocal Critic of Police Brutality

VENTURA, CALIFORNIA — A defense lawyer wants a judge to dismiss the year-old  jaywalking case – the People vs. Francisco Romero  –  because, he says, Oxnard police targeted  Romero who is a vocal critic on police brutality…. See:

From Oxnard, CA “Criticism Over Police Fatal Shootings Continues as Calls for a Police Oversight Committee Increase”

Article discussing the fight against police brutality, the retaliatory citations, the 9 Oxnard PD cops under investigation for the “earned” tattoos for shooting at residents, and more (links at the bottom of article to the OPD operational plan, internal memos). Visit also