1st International Meeting of Workers in Solidarity with the People and Government of Venezuelan

Unión del Barrio recently responded to the call issued by the Bolivarian Socialist Workers Central Union (CBST), to attend the 1st International Meeting of Workers in Solidarity with the People and Government of Venezuelan, which took place from August 29-31 of this year. We affirmed our commitment with the international working class to close ranks […]

Unión del Barrio & The Struggle For LGBTQ+ Comradeship

Unión del Barrio understands that the revolutionary process itself as an act of liberatory love. As such, we aspire to be revolutionary cadre – individuals committed to a collectivized global struggle, fighting every day to break the chains that bourgeois society uses to keep us in check. From within a revolutionary consciousness emerges a love […]

PART 3: Unión del Barrio’s Report & Analysis On The 2019 MEChA National Conference

PART THREE of THREE Social Media Woketivism Is A Representation Of Political Culture, Not The Real Thing A significant number of social media-centric raza activists, including MEChistas, have embraced a tendency that privileges individual identities over collective expressions of political struggle and political power. This tendency appears within forms of neoliberal performative politics sometimes referred […]

The Only Solution To The Refugee Crisis Is Revolution!

Unión del Barrio condena todos los actos violentos perpetrados contra los refugiados centroamericanos, ya sea que tengan lugar en la frontera de EE. UU./México o en la frontera sur de México. La violencia trumpista fascista de las milicias de derecha en Nuevo México es el primo del norte de la violencia neocolonial atrasada y auto-odiosa […]


Exactly 10 years ago Unión del Barrio published this article in the March-May 2009 edition of our newspaper ¡LA VERDAD!. Though we are currently developing an organizational statement to address the March 31, 2019 name change of MEChA, we felt there was clear value in re-publishing this article from 2009 to help inform our communities about […]

Sin La Mujer No Hay Revolución: “We will fight until every imposed border, wall, cage, and cell is dismantled…”

One cannot turn on the television or read online news without hearing about Venezuela. Mainstream feminist organizations and media outlets are standing with the Trump administration in calling out the economic situation in Venezuela by blaming democratically-elected President Maduro as the cause of the economic crisis, and supporting the installation of US puppet Juan Guaidó. When […]

Unión del Barrio Calls On Border Communities To Protect The Physical Integrity Of Our Central American Sisters And Brothers

Unión del Barrio strongly condemns the recent violent acts directed against Central American migrants and refugees by a small group of people in the area of Playas de Tijuana. The violence and threats of violence carried out by a small group of reactionaries represent nothing less than the most foul expression of xenophobia which highlights […]

Unión del Barrio Condemns the Increased Deployment of US Troops to the Politically Imposed Southern Border with Mexico

¡Somos Un Pueblo, Sin Fronteras! We don’t recognize the Imperialist imposed U.S. Border By deploying its military to the southern border to support the anti-Mexican police force known as the US Border Patrol and its criminal counterpart Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE), the Trump administration has exposed the true nature of US imperialist crisis. But […]

Today We Were United In The Defense Of Chicano Park & Our Community

Today, September 3, 2017, a broadly unified raza-led front of elders, high school and college students, barrio youth, political radicals, muralists, artists, cultural workers, academics, activists, native people of the Kumeyaay nation, labor organizers, religious people, etc. unconditionally joined forces with at least 500 local community people to defend Barrio Logan’s historic Chicano Park. Click […]

First Hand Testimony From Herman Baca: “The Chicano Moratorium of August 29, 1970 Still Remembered – The Day Police Rioted!”

“LEST WE FORGET!” Committee on Chicano Rights (Reprinted & Updated from UCSD Herman Baca Archives) I still vividly remember what happened to me personally and politically in Los Angeles, California on August 29, 1970. Thirty thousand Chicanos from throughout the U.S. marched in the streets to protest and call for an end to the war in […]

The Shameless Dishonesty of US Narco-Imperialism: A Timeline Of Neoliberal Death-Mongering

Deception, war, criminality, and terrorism have been used as instruments of empire for hundreds of years. US imperialism has not been an exception, fomenting political chaos and death across the globe, especially in the decades following World War II. Yet, the shamelessly ahistorical nature of trumpista fascism makes it too easy to forget the origins […]

Día de los Muertos – Honoring UdB Compas That Dedicated Their Lives To The Struggle

Unión del Barrio remembers and honors our Compas that lived a life of struggle and sacrifice. Compa Patricia “Pat” Marín; Compa Marco Anguiano; UdB founder and Secretario General Compa Ernesto “Neto” Bustillos; and Compa Pablo Aceves were each unequivocal in their commitment to struggle when they lived, and our memories of them will continue to […]