Final Congressional Report – Informe Central
La Mujer News & Events
International Working Women’s Day
To the Mujeres of Unión del Barrio, To the Mujeres of Nuestra América, Today, we recognize an action that changed the course of history for women around the world. We mark International Working Women’s Day, and we pause to pay tribute to the 129 women who gave their lives by refusing to leave their workplace […]
¡Sin Las Mujeres No Hay Revolución!
A las Mujeres de Unión del Barrio, A las Mujeres de Nuestra América, Hoy reconocemos uno de los actos que cambió el rumbo de la historia para las mujeres del mundo. Al conmemorar el Día Internacional de la Mujeres Trabajadoras, hacemos una pausa para prestar tributo a las 129 mujeres que entregaron su vida al […]
We Celebrate the 113th anniversary of International Working Women’s Day
To the Mujeres of Unión del Barrio To the membership of Unión del Barrio To all Anti-Imperialist Women This March 8, 2023 we celebrate the 113th anniversary of International Working Women’s Day. The Central Committee of Unión del Barrio salutes all the militant comrades on this International Working Women’s Day. In 1910, at an international […]
Unidas Venceremos
The mujeres of Unión del Barrio share greetings of solidarity to all the women of the world struggling for peace and justice. Women are workers, educators, amas de casa, health care advocates, organizers, students, compañeras; our aspirations are filled with a rebellious nature and deep convictions, our voices cry out for a new and better […]
La Raza, Barrio Self-Defense & Real Political Power
Ten Difficult Lessons Unión del Barrio Takes Away From Trumpism/COVID-19 — Introduction — The Events of Jan 6th — How We Got Here — What Comes Next — INTRODUCTION: The goal of this analysis is to provide a critical/self-critical assessment of the repression suffered by our communities […]
Unión del Barrio Convenes A National Conference On La Mujer
On Saturday February 22, 2020, a total of 27 delegates representing all sectors of our work gathered in downtown Los Angeles to host a National Conference on the topic of La Mujer in order to advance our organizational practice and vision around three primary themes: Combatting all forms of sexism, misogyny, and capitalist imperialist white […]
UdB Affirms That Mujeres Have The Right To Bodily Autonomy
It’s 2019 and we are witness to US states attempting to impose the most extreme restrictions on female bodily autonomy in history. On May 13, 2019 twenty-five white male republicans voted to impose a full abortion ban in Alabama, making it a felony offense for healthcare providers to perform or carry out abortions with sentences […]
The Only Solution To The Refugee Crisis Is Revolution!
Unión del Barrio condena todos los actos violentos perpetrados contra los refugiados centroamericanos, ya sea que tengan lugar en la frontera de EE. UU./México o en la frontera sur de México. La violencia trumpista fascista de las milicias de derecha en Nuevo México es el primo del norte de la violencia neocolonial atrasada y auto-odiosa […]
PART 2: Unión del Barrio’s Report & Analysis On The 2019 MEChA National Conference
PART TWO of THREE We Disagree With The Decision To Change What M.E.Ch.A. Stands For – Both In Name And In Principle Unión del Barrio respects the organizational autonomy of MEChA, though we always retain the right of independent criticism and political analysis. What took place at the 2019 National MEChA Conference in Los Angeles […]
PART 1: Unión del Barrio’s Report & Analysis On The 2019 MEChA National Conference
PART ONE of THREE Our Report On The 2019 MEChA National Conference Originally, the 2019 National MEChA Conference was to be held at Boise State University in Idaho, though in August of 2018 the BSU chapter announced that they could no longer host the conference. Understanding the historical importance of MEChA’s 50th anniversary, in September […]
Sin La Mujer No Hay Revolución: “We will fight until every imposed border, wall, cage, and cell is dismantled…”
One cannot turn on the television or read online news without hearing about Venezuela. Mainstream feminist organizations and media outlets are standing with the Trump administration in calling out the economic situation in Venezuela by blaming democratically-elected President Maduro as the cause of the economic crisis, and supporting the installation of US puppet Juan Guaidó. When […]
Trumpism 2016: The Unmasking Of An Empire In Crisis
Don’t Let Yourself Be Overcome With Fear, Nor Should You Lament The Trumpista Crisis Of Imperialism! Compañeras y compañeros, don’t run and hide from this absurd turn of events. To begin, don’t forget that Hillary Rodham Clinton (HRC) was never our champion, and the oval office is not the center of our political power. Instead, think […]
There is a group of young organizers in LA that work with Escuelita Aztlan, a youth project of Unión Del Barrio. Escuelita Aztlan (EAZ) is Unión del Barrio’s independent freedom school that fuses cultural learning, political activism, and community organizing. EAZ recruits straight from the barrios of Los Angeles to bring together the most spirited […]
VII° ESNA – Declaración de Montevideo
La realización del VII° ESNA se lleva adelante en el marco de una profunda crisis mundial del capitalismo y una brutal ofensiva imperialista contra los pueblos del mundo. En Nuestramérica se pretende terminar con algunos avances en materia de cambio político e integración, caso del ALBA-TCP, la Unasur y especialmente la CELAC, que excluye de […]
En Ocasión Del Día Internacional de la Mujer Obrera Exclamamos: ¡Berta Cáceres – Presente!
San Diego, 8 de marzo de 2016 En conmemoración del Día Internacional de la mujer obrera, Unión del Barrio saluda a todas las mujeres que luchan, que resisten y que sacrifican tanto para lograr un mundo más justo y solidario. La madrugada del 3 de marzo la terrible noticia del asesinato de la compañera Berta […]
LINK: Honduras – Asesinada la dirigente indígena Berta Cáceres
Link: Los gobiernos hondureños siguen asesinando impunemente. Esta vez, la víctima ha sido la dirigente indígena y luchadora ambientalista Berta Cáceres, un obstáculo para quienes forman parte del sistema de dominio y explotación del pueblo hondureño. Como viene sucediendo desde el golpe contra el gobierno constitucional de Manuel Zelaya en junio del 2009, la oligarquía […]
Compañera Patricia Marín – October 2, 1952 to December 19, 1995.
On The 20th Anniversary Of Her Passing, We Still Carry The Combative Spirit Of Patricia Marín In Our Hearts and Minds. Patricia Marín 1952-1995: Una Mujer Verdaderamente Revolucionaria
LINK: Open Letter From Maria Puga – Help Us Stop Border Brutality…
On May 28, 2010, my husband and father of my 5 children was brutally beaten and tortured at the San Diego border by federal agents. Days later Anastasio Hernandez Rojas died. The San Diego coroner’s office described Anastasio’s death as a homicide and found that he had “several loose teeth; bruising to his chest, stomach, […]
Representaciones Populares Del Pensamiento Unionista
En algunas ocasiones se nos pregunta como militantes de UdB, ¿cual es el significado de la lucha de clases, o nuestra relación con los pueblos originarios de Nuestra América, o nuestra conexión con el movimiento Chicana/o de los 1960s/70s? Se puede descargar nuestro programa politico aquí, pero si aun no queda claro, se puede dar respuesta […]