Unión del Barrio 5-Point Guidance For The Current Political Crisis

1. Only attend known events, and maintain all pandemic-related precautions. 2. Express your anger, but do not be blinded by your emotions. 3. Be “gente solidaria”, do not surrender your class-based political principles, but also maintain a barrio-based vigilance. 4. Maintain revolutionary discipline and organizational accountability. 5. Defend our barrios, by any means necessary. There […]

Minneapolis 2020: The Murder of George Floyd Is Clearest Evidence Yet That This System Has NO Redeemable Value

Unión del Barrio sends our sincere condolences to the family of George Floyd, and we state our solidarity with protesters in Minnesota who are standing up against police terror. We unite with the international condemnation of Derek Chauvin and the Minneapolis Police Department for the blatant lynching of brother Floyd. We call for the arrest […]

Inmate Protests Against Forced Exposure To COVID-19

On April 10, 2020, dozens of inmates at the Lansing Correctional Facility in Kansas took part in an uprising to protest  unsanitary conditions within the prison during the current worldwide health crisis COVID-19 pandemic. Prisoners and their families have been very concerned about the rising numbers of coronavirus infections among prisoners across the whole country. […]

The Coronavirus Has Unmasked The Sick Brutality Of Capitalism – Only Principled Global Solidarity Will Be Sufficient To Contend With This Pandemic

The coronavirus (COVID-19) health emergency is unfolding on a scale that has impacted all of us as a species. This moment represents a new global consciousness that is spreading across the world in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, with people quickly coming to the realization that only as a species can we hope to […]

Unión del Barrio Condemns the U.S. Drone Strike Assassinations & Imperial War Provocations

Unión del Barrio, a raza-led anti-imperialist organization based in California, condemns the cowardly U.S. drone strike assassinations of Qasem Soleimani and Abu Mahdi al-Muhandis. These assassinations are the most recent violent provocation in a part of the world that for nearly two decades has been destabilized and utterly devastated by U.S. interventions and occupations. We […]

1st International Meeting of Workers in Solidarity with the People and Government of Venezuelan

Unión del Barrio recently responded to the call issued by the Bolivarian Socialist Workers Central Union (CBST), to attend the 1st International Meeting of Workers in Solidarity with the People and Government of Venezuelan, which took place from August 29-31 of this year. We affirmed our commitment with the international working class to close ranks […]

Unión del Barrio & The Struggle For LGBTQ+ Comradeship

Unión del Barrio understands that the revolutionary process itself as an act of liberatory love. As such, we aspire to be revolutionary cadre – individuals committed to a collectivized global struggle, fighting every day to break the chains that bourgeois society uses to keep us in check. From within a revolutionary consciousness emerges a love […]

UdB Affirms That Mujeres Have The Right To Bodily Autonomy

It’s 2019 and we are witness to US states attempting to impose the most extreme restrictions on female bodily autonomy in history. On May 13, 2019 twenty-five white male republicans voted to impose a full abortion ban in Alabama, making it a felony offense for healthcare providers to perform or carry out abortions with sentences […]

The Only Solution To The Refugee Crisis Is Revolution!

Unión del Barrio condena todos los actos violentos perpetrados contra los refugiados centroamericanos, ya sea que tengan lugar en la frontera de EE. UU./México o en la frontera sur de México. La violencia trumpista fascista de las milicias de derecha en Nuevo México es el primo del norte de la violencia neocolonial atrasada y auto-odiosa […]

Los Angeles 2019: When LA Educators Go On Strike, They Teach Us What It Takes To Bring About Change

Unión del Barrio stands in solidarity with Los Angeles teachers! Los Angeles teachers are showing District Superintendent Austin Beutner that when it comes down to defending public education, they are not afraid to go on strike. During the past 20 months the LA teacher’s union (UTLA) has been in negotiations with the LA Unified, struggling […]

Shut The Whole Damn Thing Down!

The more trouble Trump gets into, the more intense his attacks are against our raza communities. All this mess about “border wall funding” and the “government shut down” is only to distract from the very serious legal trouble that Donald Trump and his accomplices find themselves in. The same thing was done with the refugee […]

AMLO is the New President of México

AMLO is the new president of México. He won the presidential chair with more than 53% of the votes, surpassing the multiple candidates of the right-wing political elite as a whole, by more than 14 points. It must also be considered that with just five years of existence, the MORENA party won at least 20,229,314 […]

Unión del Barrio Calls On Border Communities To Protect The Physical Integrity Of Our Central American Sisters And Brothers

Unión del Barrio strongly condemns the recent violent acts directed against Central American migrants and refugees by a small group of people in the area of Playas de Tijuana. The violence and threats of violence carried out by a small group of reactionaries represent nothing less than the most foul expression of xenophobia which highlights […]