TRUCHA: The Trumpista State & Its MAGA Supporters Are Creating Online Mis/Disinformation 

Some gente in activist circles have questioned Unión del Barrio’s February 2, 2025, position on the recent wave of youth-centered “spontaneous” protests. The most consistent criticisms are that “We have to stand with the youth” and “UdB shouldn’t try to police the movement.” Because we tend to agree with these points, some observations require more […]

A Legal Victory In The Case Of The Uhuru 3!

This morning, December 16, 2024, at 7:45 am PSD, we received the news that a federal judge in Tampa, Florida, issued a favorable ruling in the case of the Uhuru 3: No fines, No jail time, 3 years of supervised probation, and community service. This is a resounding victory for the Uhuru 3! After the […]

Unión del Barrio Statement Regarding The Dismissal Of The Zionist Lawsuit Against Raza Educators

On November 30, 2024, a Federal District Judge dismissed (“with prejudice”) the frivolous and reactionary lawsuit filed against Guadalupe Carrasco Cardona, Theresa Montano, Cecily Myart Cruz, the Liberated Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum Consortium, and United Teachers Los Angeles – UTLA (the teacher’s union). Unión del Barrio acknowledges this legal dismissal as a small victory in […]

Declaración de Unión del Barrio sobre las Elecciones de 2024.

“¿Qué más podemos decir sobre las elecciones de 2024 que no hayamos dicho otras veces? Una cosa es clara: un sistema político podrido sólo puede producir resultados políticos también podridos. Hasta  este momento, la basura fascista de Trump ha derrotado rotundamente a la basura liberal de Harris… La lucha política central… [es] superar este sistema bipartidista podrido para defender y sobrevivir esta crisis generalizada de un imperio en descomposición… debemos distanciarnos de cualquier facción que forme parte de este imperio en decadencia… [y] enfocar, priorizar y volver a la lucha comunitaria para convertirla en el corazón y el alma de cada acción política…”

Unión del Barrio Statement on the 2024 Elections: ¡Ni Republicanos, Ni Demócratas – Solo El Pueblo Organizado Vencerá!

What more can we say about the 2024 elections that we have not already said many times before? One thing is clear: a “garbage” political system can only produce “garbage” political results. In this particular moment, Trump’s fascist garbage has soundly defeated Harris’ liberal garbage. How could Trump (and his Project 2025) have commanded such […]

Saludo Al Pueblo Nicaragüense Y Al FSLN En El 45 Aniversario Del Triunfo De La  Revolución Sandinista

Unión del Barrio saluda al Pueblo Nicaragüense y al Frente Sandinista de Liberación Nacional en ocasión de su 45 aniversario del triunfo de la  Revolución Sandinista. Unión del Barrio, organización política de Mexicanos y Latinoamericanos que radican dentro de las fronteras políticas de EEUU y que lucha por su autodeterminación, expresa nuestro saludo revolucionario al […]

International Working Women’s Day

To the Mujeres of Unión del Barrio, To the Mujeres of Nuestra América, Today, we recognize an action that changed the course of history for women around the world. We mark International Working Women’s Day, and we pause to pay tribute to the 129 women who gave their lives by refusing to leave their workplace […]

¡Sin Las Mujeres No Hay Revolución!

A las Mujeres de Unión del Barrio, A las Mujeres de Nuestra América, Hoy reconocemos uno de los actos que cambió el rumbo de la historia para las mujeres del mundo. Al conmemorar el Día Internacional de la Mujeres Trabajadoras, hacemos una pausa para prestar tributo a las 129 mujeres que entregaron su vida al […]

Palestinians and Mexicans/Indigenous People Have A Common Enemy: Settler Colonialism

Since our founding in 1981, Unión del Barrio has expressed our support for all oppressed peoples’ Right To Resist. Today, we express our solidarity with the bold resistance of Palestinians in their struggle against normalized Israeli state terror and settler colonization. As a Mexican and Latin American organization based in California, for over 40 years, […]

Unión del Barrio Saluda a la Federación Sindical Mundial en ocasión de su 78 aniversario

Unión del Barrio transmite un caluroso saludo y felicitación a la Federación Sindical Mundial con motivo de su 78 Aniversario y en el Día de Acción Internacional bajo los lemas ‘¡No al autoritarismo y al recorte de las libertades democráticas y sindicales’; ‘¡Trabajo con derechos! ¡No a las flexibilidades y a la explotación!”. Como organización […]

Unión del Barrio Successfully Concludes VII Congreso Nacional

Compas of Unión del Barrio, Allied Organizations, and Supporters: Felicitaciones on this 42nd anniversary of the founding of Unión del Barrio. We recently closed the VII Congreso Nacional of our organization. Since our first Congreso in 1997, the Congreso Nacional represents the maximum authority and highest decision-making body of Unión del Barrio. This series of […]

May 1st, 2023 International Workers Day: “Power in the Hands of the Working Class – Fighting Back Against the Capitalist Offensive”

The global economic crisis facing the majority of working people around the world is becoming sharper and made worse with US imperialist ambitions. Workers today are under increased economic assault with inflation and skyrocketing energy costs hurting workers the most. With the health emergency scheduled to end by mid-may we see cuts to important life […]

Unión del Barrio Supports The Scheduled Education Workers Strike, March 2023

Unión del Barrio supports the righteous strike scheduled for this coming week by the Service Employees International Union (SEIU) in the Los Angeles Unified School District. SEIU 99 members, many of which are parents of LAUSD students, are teaching assistants, bus drivers, special education aides, and cafeteria workers, custodial workers, supervision aides, campus safety personnel, […]

Unión del Barrio Marks 41 Years of Anti-Colonial Struggle: TOWARDS OUR VII CONGRESS

AUGUST 29, 2022- CALIFAZTLAN – Today, Unión del Barrio commemorates 41 years of anti-colonial struggle. We take this moment to reflect on the tremendous accomplishments of our people’s struggle for Raza Self-Determination, Mexicano Liberation, and the international struggle for socialism. In these 41 years of struggle, we have evolved our thinking and strategies to adapt […]

Unión del Barrio Demands An Immediate End of all U.S. State Repression Against the Uhuru Movement!

To the Leadership & Cadre of the African People’s Socialist Party, To the Leadership & Supporters of the Uhuru Movement in General, Unión del Barrio enthusiastically expresses our support and unconditional solidarity with the African People’s Socialist Party (APSP), and we demand an immediate end to all U.S. state repression against the Uhuru Movement!  On […]