Community Self-Defense /// Autodefensa Comunitaria

In 1992, Unión del Barrio formed our Community Patrols as our answer to the colonial attacks against the Mexicano-Raza working class, specifically the deployment of various militarized police forces deployed against our communities.

The Community Patrols are a means of building community-based power that will challenge police and migra attacks. These agencies are trained to profile, harass, detain, arrest, and brutalize our people. We are determined to build “Dual & Contending Power” so Raza working-class communities can build the capacity for barrio-centered self-defense and prevent the detention and family separation that has taken place over the last several decades.

The objective is to organize our people in every barrio, block by block, to defend our communities from colonial violence and threats to our human and democratic rights. We intend to expose the anti-Raza nature of the colonizer state that has now openly declared itself a tool to terrorize, repress, and exploit the lives and labor power of the Mexicano-Raza working class.

To support Unión del Barrio’s community self-defense campaign,

report suspected ICE/migra activity, or request more information, contact us at:


1-619-398-6648 (San Diego & Los Angeles)

1-760-913-0306 (North County San Diego/ Escondido)

Informacion en español:

Information in English:

Unión del Barrio Community Patrol Video Playlist

UdB Informational Posters &  KYR Cards


UdB Community Patrols Informational Slide Presentation


Help support the work of Unión del Barrio by making a donation.