In 1992, Unión del Barrio formed our Community Patrols as our answer to the colonial attacks against the Mexicano-Raza working class, specifically the deployment of various militarized police forces deployed against our communities. The Community Patrols are a means of building community-based power that will challenge police and migra attacks. These agencies are trained to […]
Nuestra América
Information related to struggles throughout Nuestra América.
Declaración de Unión del Barrio sobre las Elecciones de 2024.
“¿Qué más podemos decir sobre las elecciones de 2024 que no hayamos dicho otras veces? Una cosa es clara: un sistema político podrido sólo puede producir resultados políticos también podridos. Hasta este momento, la basura fascista de Trump ha derrotado rotundamente a la basura liberal de Harris… La lucha política central… [es] superar este sistema bipartidista podrido para defender y sobrevivir esta crisis generalizada de un imperio en descomposición… debemos distanciarnos de cualquier facción que forme parte de este imperio en decadencia… [y] enfocar, priorizar y volver a la lucha comunitaria para convertirla en el corazón y el alma de cada acción política…”
La noche del 26 de septiembre y la madrugada del 27 de 2014, una organización criminal con el apoyo de fuerzas municipales, estatales y federales entre las que destacó el ejército, secuestró y desapareció a 43 estudiantes y asesinó a 6 personas más en Iguala, Guerrero, México. El presidente en turno, Enrique Peña Nieto, quiso […]
Saludo Al Pueblo Nicaragüense Y Al FSLN En El 45 Aniversario Del Triunfo De La Revolución Sandinista
Unión del Barrio saluda al Pueblo Nicaragüense y al Frente Sandinista de Liberación Nacional en ocasión de su 45 aniversario del triunfo de la Revolución Sandinista. Unión del Barrio, organización política de Mexicanos y Latinoamericanos que radican dentro de las fronteras políticas de EEUU y que lucha por su autodeterminación, expresa nuestro saludo revolucionario al […]
Links to UdB-Sponsored May Day 2024 Activities in Southern California: Los Angeles San Diego May 1st, also known as May Day, or Primero de Mayo, is celebrated across the globe as International Workers Day. Precisely because this day commemorates the struggles of working people, this is one of only a few commemorations that spans across […]
UdB Publishes 2023/2024 Final Congressional Report – Informe Central
Final Congressional Report – Informe Central
International Working Women’s Day
To the Mujeres of Unión del Barrio, To the Mujeres of Nuestra América, Today, we recognize an action that changed the course of history for women around the world. We mark International Working Women’s Day, and we pause to pay tribute to the 129 women who gave their lives by refusing to leave their workplace […]
¡Sin Las Mujeres No Hay Revolución!
A las Mujeres de Unión del Barrio, A las Mujeres de Nuestra América, Hoy reconocemos uno de los actos que cambió el rumbo de la historia para las mujeres del mundo. Al conmemorar el Día Internacional de la Mujeres Trabajadoras, hacemos una pausa para prestar tributo a las 129 mujeres que entregaron su vida al […]
Unión del Barrio Saluda a la Federación Sindical Mundial en ocasión de su 78 aniversario
Unión del Barrio transmite un caluroso saludo y felicitación a la Federación Sindical Mundial con motivo de su 78 Aniversario y en el Día de Acción Internacional bajo los lemas ‘¡No al autoritarismo y al recorte de las libertades democráticas y sindicales’; ‘¡Trabajo con derechos! ¡No a las flexibilidades y a la explotación!”. Como organización […]
May 1st, 2023 International Workers Day: “Power in the Hands of the Working Class – Fighting Back Against the Capitalist Offensive”
The global economic crisis facing the majority of working people around the world is becoming sharper and made worse with US imperialist ambitions. Workers today are under increased economic assault with inflation and skyrocketing energy costs hurting workers the most. With the health emergency scheduled to end by mid-may we see cuts to important life […]
Links to UdB-Sponsored May Day 2023 Activities in Southern California: May 1st, also known as May Day, or Primero de Mayo, is celebrated across the globe as International Workers Day. Precisely because this day commemorates the struggles of working people, this is one of only a few commemorations that spans across borders and touches all […]
We Celebrate the 113th anniversary of International Working Women’s Day
To the Mujeres of Unión del Barrio To the membership of Unión del Barrio To all Anti-Imperialist Women This March 8, 2023 we celebrate the 113th anniversary of International Working Women’s Day. The Central Committee of Unión del Barrio salutes all the militant comrades on this International Working Women’s Day. In 1910, at an international […]
Unión del Barrio Marks 41 Years of Anti-Colonial Struggle: TOWARDS OUR VII CONGRESS
AUGUST 29, 2022- CALIFAZTLAN – Today, Unión del Barrio commemorates 41 years of anti-colonial struggle. We take this moment to reflect on the tremendous accomplishments of our people’s struggle for Raza Self-Determination, Mexicano Liberation, and the international struggle for socialism. In these 41 years of struggle, we have evolved our thinking and strategies to adapt […]
San Diego May 1st International Workers Day: END THE WAR ON THE WORKING CLASS!
San Diego Workers Convene May 1st International Workers Day Events: United Under the Theme: END THE WAR ON THE WORKING CLASS! WORKERS WILL CONVENE ACTIONS AND EVENTS TO BUILD WORKERS POWER TO CHALLENGE THE ATTACKS ON WORKING FAMILIES Contacts: Benjamín Prado- Unión del Barrio, SAN DIEGO, CA- Organizations throughout San Diego unite to push back […]
Unidas Venceremos
The mujeres of Unión del Barrio share greetings of solidarity to all the women of the world struggling for peace and justice. Women are workers, educators, amas de casa, health care advocates, organizers, students, compañeras; our aspirations are filled with a rebellious nature and deep convictions, our voices cry out for a new and better […]
Links to UdB-Sponsored May Day 2021 Activities in Southern California: – Two Locations: San Diego & North County San Diego – – Los Angeles – Los Angeles – Union del Barrio and the Comités de Resistencia continue to organize in the LA area to build true community self defense. We are going to begin our […]
La Raza, Barrio Self-Defense & Real Political Power
Ten Difficult Lessons Unión del Barrio Takes Away From Trumpism/COVID-19 — Introduction — The Events of Jan 6th — How We Got Here — What Comes Next — INTRODUCTION: The goal of this analysis is to provide a critical/self-critical assessment of the repression suffered by our communities […]
The 2020 Presidential Elections Had Nothing To Do With Democracy, But Did Unmask The Reactionary Nature Of The U.S. Electoral System
With regard to the 2020 elections, we must first state that this electoral cycle represents the culmination of a multi-faceted structural crisis of the capitalist system that began more than four decades ago. It had almost nothing to do with democracy, but instead was a mass-based contest between political impotence versus collective psychosis. Forced to […]
Links to UdB-Sponsored May Day 2020 Activities in Southern California: – Los Angeles – – San Diego – May 1st, also known as May Day, or Primero de Mayo, is celebrated across the globe as International Workers Day. Precisely because this day commemorates the struggles of working people, this is one of only a few commemorations […]
International Workers Day 2020: “Workers In Power; Healthcare for All”
The current historical moment requires humanity to build a united front to address the global pandemic (COVID19), by ensuring that everyone is able to access healthcare to survive the virus and to overcome the privatized, profit-driven health care system in the United States. Workers are the producers of all material wealth, and our health must be […]